Spell-A-Day: Darkness


This spell absorbs all light in the target area, making it opaque to all senses in the Sight Group.

Arcana: Apatus (Light)
Target: Area
Range: Standard
Duration: Enchantment
Focus: A small glass bead painted black
Class: Offensive

Common Modifiers

  • Spell (+0)
  • Time Limit (Enchantment; Constant Power; +1/4)
  • Costs Endurance Only To Activate (+1/4)
1 Darkness to Sight Group 1m radius
3 Darkness to Sight Group 2m radius
4 Darkness to Sight Group 3m radius
6 Darkness to Sight Group 4m radius
7 Darkness to Sight Group 5m radius
9 Darkness to Sight Group 6m radius
10 Darkness to Sight Group 7m radius
12 Darkness to Sight Group 8m radius
13 Darkness to Sight Group 9m radius


Spell-A-Day: Maze


The target of this spell has all of its senses assaulted, and if the spell is successful the target no longer has the ability to interact with reality. A target makes Breakout Rolls using INT at the start of its next action, -1 per 5 points the effect roll exceeded the target’s INT+30. While the target is in this state, it is at 1/2 DCV and all Hit Location penalties are halved against it.

Arcana: Apatus (Perception)
Target: Single
Range: Standard
Duration: Instant
Focus: A coil of thread glued to a small mirror
Class: Offensive

Common Modifiers

  • Spell (+0)
  • Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Power Defense; +0)
  • Normal Range (-1/4)
  • Works Against INT, not EGO (+0)
  • Target Must Be Conscious (-1/4)
  • Mandatory Effect INT +30 or Greater (Must Always Achieve [Lost In A Maze Of Sensory Overload]; -1)
  • Perceivable (-1/4)
  • Alternate Combat Value (uses OMCV against DCV; +0)
4 Mental Illusions 7d6
5 Mental Illusions 9d6
6 Mental Illusions 10d6
7 Mental Illusions 12d6
8 Mental Illusions 14d6
9 Mental Illusions 15d6
10 Mental Illusions 17d6
11 Mental Illusions 18d6
12 Mental Illusions 20d6
13 Mental Illusions 22d6