Spell-A-Day: Sense Truth

Sense Truth

This blessing bestows the target with the ability to separate falsehood from truth in any communication she hears. The target may not understand what is being communicated, but the target will know whether that is truth or not. Use of the blessing does require an INT Roll, which is reduced by -1 per point of Power Defense (vs. Magic) active on the speaker.

Enaros: Toletren
Target: Single
Range: No Range/Hearing
Duration: Blessing
Class: Utility (Restricted)

Common Modifiers

  • Orison (+0)
  • Time Limit (Blessing; Persistent or Continuing-effect Power; +0)
  • Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4)
  • Usable On Others (+1/2)
  • Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1/2)
  • Power Defense Subtracts From The Roll (-1/4)
1 Detect Falsehood +0 (Hearing Group)
2 Detect Falsehood +4 (Hearing Group)
3 Detect Falsehood +8 (Hearing Group)
4 Detect Falsehood +11 (Hearing Group)
5 Detect Falsehood +15 (Hearing Group)
6 Detect Falsehood +19 (Hearing Group)
7 Detect Falsehood +23 (Hearing Group)
8 Detect Falsehood +26 (Hearing Group)

Spell-A-Day: Blessed Logic

Blessed Logic

This blessing bestows the target with expanded logic and correlation capabilities, increasing her Intelligence.

Enaros: Toletren
Target: Single
Range: No Range
Duration: Blessing
Class: Utility

Common Modifiers

  • Orison (+0)
  • Time Limit (Blessing; Adjustment Power; +2)
  • One Use At A Time (-1)
1 Aid INT 1/2d6
2 Aid INT 1d6
3 Aid INT 1 1/2d6
4 Aid INT 2d6
4 Aid INT 2 1/2d6
5 Aid INT 3d6
6 Aid INT 3 1/2d6
7 Aid INT 4d6
8 Aid INT 4 1/2d6
9 Aid INT 5d6
10 Aid INT 5 1/2d6
11 Aid INT 6d6
12 Aid INT 6 1/2d6
13 Aid INT 7d6

Spell-A-Day: History


This blessing allows the channeler to witness events in the past. The channeler makes a PER Roll to see 1 year in the past from where she is, or with a single object. More recent history increases the bonus, while greater distance in the past increases the penalty per step on the Time Chart. While the blessing continues (each step on the Time Chart requires a Blessing Continuance Roll), the channeler can explore the history using any skills she possesses.

Enaros: Toletren
Target: Single
Range: No Range
Duration: Constant
Class: Utility

Common Modifiers

  • Orison (+0)
  • No Range (-1/2)
  • Time Limit (Blessing; Constant Power; +1/4)
  • Costs Endurance Only To Activate (+1/4)
7 Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Sight Group), -3 to PER Roll
8 Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Sight Group)
10 Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Sight And Hearing Groups)
12 Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Sight, Hearing And Smell/Taste Groups)
13 Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Sight, Smell/Taste And Hearing Groups), +7 to PER Roll


Spell-A-Day: Blessing of the Watcher

Blessing of the Watcher

This blessing bestows the target with knowledge talents in the service of The Watcher. These blessings are gifted collectively and in order (e.g., MAG 4 grants Absolute Time Sense through Bump of Direction).

Enaros: Toletren
Target: Single
Range: No Range
Duration: Blessing
Class: Utility (Restricted)

Common Modifiers

  • Orison (+0)
  • Time Limit (Blessing; Persistent or Continuing-effect Power; +0)
  • Usable On Others (+1/2)
  • Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4)
1 Absolute Time Sense
+2 plus Absolute Depth Sense
+3 plus Absolute Range Sense
+4 plus Bump Of Direction
+5 plus Lightning Calculator
+6 plus Any Single Language

Spell-A-Day: Unbalance


This spell upsets the balance of all targets in the area, making it difficult to move, maneuver, and attack. Once a target succeeds on their DEX Roll they are no longer affected by the spell.

Arcana: Apatus (Perception)
Target: Area
Range: Limited
Duration: Constant
Focus: An earbone from any creature
Class: Offensive

Common Modifiers

  • Spell (+0)
  • Limited Range (-1/4)
4 Change Environment (-2 to DEX Roll) **plus** Drain BODY 1d6, Spell (+0), Expanded Effect (x3 OCV, DCV, PER) (+1); Limited Range (-1/4)
7 Drain BODY 1 1/2d6, Expanded Effect (x3 OCV, DCV, PER) (+1) **plus** Change Environment (-4 to DEX Roll), Spell (+0); Limited Range (-1/4)
10 Change Environment (-4 to DEX Roll), Spell (+0); Limited Range (-1/4) **plus** Drain BODY 2 1/2d6, Spell (+0), Expanded Effect (x3 OCV, DCV, PER) (+1); Limited Range (-1/4)
13 Drain BODY 3 1/2d6, Spell (+0), Expanded Effect (x3 OCV, DCV, PER) (+1); Limited Range (-1/4) **plus** Change Environment (-4 to DEX Roll), Spell (+0); Limited Range (-1/4)


Spell-A-Day: Invisibility Sphere

Invisibility Sphere

This spell makes all willing targets in the area invisible. The number of targets and subtle energies required to maintain the power limit all targets to non-agressive action (except at EFF 8). At lower EFF the targets must remain still and the Invisibility only affects normal sight.

Arcana: Apatus (Light)
Target: Area (4m Radius centered on shaper)
Range: No Range
Duration: Enchantment
Focus: Two small bat eyes
Class: Utility (Restricted)

Common Modifiers

  • Spell (+0)
  • Time Limit (Enchantment; Constant Power; +1/4)
  • Costs Endurance Only To Activate (+1/4)
  • Usable Nearby (+1)
4 Blending: Invisibility to Sight Group ; Only When Not Attacking (-1/2), Normal Sight Only (-1/2), Chameleon (-1/2)
5 Lesser Unseen: Invisibility to Sight Group ; Only When Not Attacking (-1/2), Normal Sight Only (-1/2)
7 Lesser Invisibility: Invisibility to Sight Group ; Only When Not Attacking (-1/2)
7 Unseen: Invisibility to Sight Group, No Fringe; Only When Not Attacking (-1/2), Normal Sight Only (-1/2)
8 Bend Light: Invisibility to Sight Group ; Bright Fringe (-1/4)
2 New Spells: Share Senses, Unbalance (CE DEX roll), Spell (+0), Time Limit (Enchantment; Constant Power; +1/4), Usable On Others (+1/2)


Spell-A-Day: Silent Step

Silent Step

This spell allows the target to move silently. At lower EFF the target must remain still. At the highest EFF the Invisibility to Hearing Group is almost impossible to detect even if the target is adjacent to the observer.

Arcana: Apatus (Perception)
Target: Single
Range: No Range
Duration: Enchantment
Focus: A tiny pillow
Class: Utility (Restricted)

Common Modifiers

  • Spell (+0)
  • Time Limit (Enchantment; Constant Power; +1/4)
  • Costs Endurance Only To Activate (+1/4)
  • Usable On Others (+1/2)
2 Silent Stand: Invisibility to Hearing Group ; Only When Not Attacking (-1/2), Chameleon (-1/2)
3 Peaceful Step: Invisibility to Hearing Group ; Only When Not Attacking (-1/2)
3 Whisper Step: Invisibility to Hearing Group ; Bright Fringe (-1/4)
4 Silent Step: Invisibility to Hearing Group
5 Peaceful Step True: Invisibility to Hearing Group, No Fringe; Only When Not Attacking (-1/2)
8 Silent Step True: Invisibility to Hearing Group, No Fringe


Spell-A-Day: Invisibility


This spell makes the target invisible. At lower EFF the target must remain still and the Invisibility only affects normal sight. At the highest EFF the Invisibility is almost impossible to detect.

Arcana: Apatus (Light)
Target: Single
Range: No Range
Duration: Enchantment
Focus: A bat’s eye
Class: Utility (Restricted)

Common Modifiers

  • Spell (+0)
  • Time Limit (Enchantment; Constant Power; +1/4)
  • Costs Endurance Only To Activate (+1/4)
  • Usable On Others (+1/2)
3 Blending: Invisibility to Sight Group ; Only When Not Attacking (-1/2), Normal Sight Only (-1/2), Chameleon (-1/2)
4 Lesser Unseen: Invisibility to Sight Group ; Only When Not Attacking (-1/2), Normal Sight Only (-1/2)
5 Lesser Invisibility: Invisibility to Sight Group ; Only When Not Attacking (-1/2)
6 Bend Light: Invisibility to Sight Group ; Bright Fringe (-1/4)
6 Unseen: Invisibility to Sight Group, No Fringe; Only When Not Attacking (-1/2), Normal Sight Only (-1/2)
8 Unseen True: Invisibility to Sight Group, No Fringe; Only When Not Attacking (-1/2)
8 Invisibility True: Invisibility to Sight Group


Spell-A-Day: Nosmiatic Affectation

Nosmiatic Affectation

This spell allows the shaper to mimic any scent or to eliminate scent altogether. When the spell is learned the shaper must choose 4 scents and a group of scents that she can emulate.

Arcana: Apatus (Perception)
Target: Single
Range: No Range
Duration: Enchantment
Focus: A dab of scented oil
Class: Utility (Restricted)

Common Modifiers

  • Spell (+0)
  • Time Limit (Enchantment; Constant Power; +1/4)
  • Costs Endurance Only To Activate (+1/4)
  • Usable On Others (+1/2)
1 Single Scent: Shape Shift (Smell/Taste Group), Only To Create Single Scent Learned When Spell Is Learned (+0)
2 Multiscent: Shape Shift (Smell/Taste Group, four scents learned when spell is learned), Only To Create Single Scent Learned When Spell Is Learned (+0)
3 Variscent: Shape Shift (Smell/Taste Group, limited group of scents learned when spell is learned)
5 Anyscent: Shape Shift (Smell/Taste Group, any scent)
4 Anosmia: Invisibility to Smell/Taste Group
8 Anosmia True: Invisibility to Smell/Taste Group, No Fringe

Spell-A-Day: Silence


This spell creates a sphere at range that stops all sound in the target area. Once established, the area of effect cannot be moved.

Arcana: Apatus (Perception)
Target: Area
Range: Standard
Duration: Enchantment
Focus: A tight wad of cotton
Class: Offensive

Common Modifiers

  • Spell (+0)
  • Time Limit (Enchantment; Constant Power; +1/4)
  • Costs Endurance Only To Activate (+1/4)
1 Darkness to Hearing Group 1m radius
2 Darkness to Hearing Group 2m radius
3 Darkness to Hearing Group 3m radius
4 Darkness to Hearing Group 5m radius
5 Darkness to Hearing Group 6m radius
6 Darkness to Hearing Group 7m radius
7 Darkness to Hearing Group 8m radius
8 Darkness to Hearing Group 9m radius
10 Darkness to Hearing Group 11m radius
11 Darkness to Hearing Group 12m radius
12 Darkness to Hearing Group 13m radius
13 Darkness to Hearing Group 15m radius